Irvin Offers Reaction to Shapiro’s $45.8 Billion Budget Proposal

March 7, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Rich Irvin (R-Huntingdon/Franklin) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $45.8 billion state budget, a 6% increase over the current year, outlined today before a joint session of the General Assembly:

“Families are struggling with increased energy, gas and grocery bills and businesses are struggling to find qualified workers to fill needed positions. Our focus needs to be on addressing inflation and supply issues, as well as workforce development. These are the keys to providing needed relief to Pennsylvania families.

“Gov. Shapiro made some fine points today and I agree with some of his goals, such as greater support for the Pennsylvania State Police and prioritizing funding for career and technical education. However, he is also proposing to legalize marijuana, double the minimum wage and create a slew of new programs that will result in spending down reserves that are meant to offer protection from future tax increases and in cases of emergency.

“This budget sounds good in theory, but the numbers don’t add up. I will continue to advocate for holding the line on spending and focusing on the core functions of government instead of a continued stream of new programs and funding that will put our state into a financial hole.

“I remain hopeful we can all work together in the General Assembly and with the governor to formulate a final budget plan that will incorporate some winning strategies with sound fiscal policy.”

Representative Rich Irvin
81st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
717.772.9840 /

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